<*><*> Hey Folks ... Did you know ??? <*><*> Some Information to be aware of <*> Please be careful who is checking your credit. Here is my advice ... Don't check for yourself or let anyone else check your credit when trying to increase your FICO scores, especially when trying to purchase a home. Just make sure you pay on time & if able, pay a little more than the minimum payment required. It could be as small as $5 above the minimum payment. You'll be surprised what that can do for your scores in a bit of time. <*><*> Have questions, call me at 909/ 910.2481 <*><*>
<>><<> Howdy Folks <>><<> Here is just a bit of info that you may find interesting <>><<> If you have questions give me a call at 909/910-2481 = Cj <>><<>